Vídeo Analytics

Vídeo Analytics consists of several analysis tools, that incorporate CCTV security cameras for safety and protection of property, as well as behavioral analysis, trends and customer tracking system.

Facial recognition software, based on Artificial Intelligence, searches faces in an existent database and compares with the faces recognised on the image to find a match. It allows real time facial recognition and the record of images of faces, according with GDPR regulations.

In addition, it allows the generation of report and statistical charts of all events in the system such as objects and people, abandoned objects, tracking system and face detection, among others:

  • counting and location by colour of vehicle
  • Location of lost people in public places
  • Forensic analysis and research video hours in minutes
  • Search for sabotage, theft or robbery in several places
  • Search for color, direction, speed and size of the object



Smart City

Vídeo Analytics for Smart City

Video Analytics for Smart City enables motion detection, camera tampering, intruders, wrong passage or wrong way, abandoned or removed objects, crowds, vehicle tracking system, facial recognition, licence plate recognition, search and overview of videos and accidents and duress.

Intelligent urban transport

Video analytics for Intelligent urban transport

The OpenSkills solution Smart City and Transport is a complete set of products of video analysis for Intelligent urban transport. It is designed to be installed in roads and parking lots, to be used in traffic sign control and congestion monitoring, speed tests, length and type of vehicle, automatic recognition of licence plates, people and vehicles tracking system, GPS and SIG mapping and area intrusion detection.

Video analytics for Intelligent urban transport

Contact us for Video Analytics solutions
for your business area